【PURCHASE THE SEEKZERO SMARTRING】 After you've precisely determined your size using our sizing kit, head over to here to order your SEEKZERO Smart Ring.
Before making a purchase of the SEEKZERO Smart Ring, it is important to note that the ring sizes may differ from standard sizes. Seekzero brand offers a range of sizes from 6 to 13. To ensure the perfect fit, make sure to measure your finger size.
【HOW TO PURCHASE SEEKZERO SMART RING】You can search keyword "SEEKZERO Smart ring" on here, you will find the SEEKZERO Smart ring product. You can also click “BUY THE RING "button on the product description or brand module to jump to the link of SEEKZERO Smart Ring.
【TRYING THE SIZING RING】We recommend wearing your ring size for at least 24 hours to check that it’s not too small or too big. The smart ring should be close to the skin and should not be rotated so that more accurate measurements can be taken.
Smart Ring Sizing Kit: Measure Before You Buy - 8 Sizes Available (6 to 13) for Seek Zero Smart Ring
【PURCHASE THE SEEKZERO SMARTRING】 After you've precisely determined your size using our sizing kit, head over to here to order your SEEKZERO Smart Ring.
Before making a purchase of the SEEKZERO Smart Ring, it is important to note that the ring sizes may differ from standard sizes. Seekzero brand offers a range of sizes from 6 to 13. To ensure the perfect fit, make sure to measure your finger size.
【HOW TO PURCHASE SEEKZERO SMART RING】You can search keyword "SEEKZERO Smart ring" on here, you will find the SEEKZERO Smart ring product. You can also click “BUY THE RING "button on the product description or brand module to jump to the link of SEEKZERO Smart Ring.
【TRYING THE SIZING RING】We recommend wearing your ring size for at least 24 hours to check that it’s not too small or too big. The smart ring should be close to the skin and should not be rotated so that more accurate measurements can be taken.